Thank you for helping to fulfill our mission to share the hope of Christ and provide support to women and families in need! Below is a list of our most needed new items during this time.
● Tubs
● Dr. Brown bottles
● Life factory bottles
● Even flow bottles
● Bassinets
● Pack N’ Plays
● New convertible (or infant) car seats
● Breast pumps
● Cribs manufactured after 2012
Larger Items that are always needed include:
● Gender neutral infant car seat and/or travel system
● Baby Swing and/or Bouncy Seat
Gift cards are among our most needed items at this time:
● Target, Walmart, etc.
For further guidelines on what to purchase, you can locate our Target Baby Registry. To find our registry, go to Target Registry Search Page and click on “Search for an organization”. Type Community Center for Life.
Thank you for your generosity and your support for the mission of CCL.
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made...Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." Psalm 139:13-14, 16, ESV
Sanctity of Human Life @wbpregnancy @wbpregnancy 504-227-9090
Community Center for Life is a 501(c)3 pregnancy resource center dedicated to walking alongside women and families facing unplanned pregnancies and saving the life of the unborn. By providing education, counseling, and resources, we desire to help them to thrive before, during, and after the pregnancy. In all we do, we seek to love our neighbors as God commands us and first demonstrated to us through Jesus Christ. Refer women and families facing unplanned pregnancies to Community Center for Life or your local pregnancy resource center.
1 Refer women and families facing unplanned pregnancies to Community Center for Life or your local pregnancy resource center.
2 Pray for women and families facing unplanned pregnancies, for the unborn at risk of abortion, for post-abortive women suffering in silence.
3 Volunteer. CCL presents various volunteer opportunities for Christians who love the
LORD and the gift of life.
4 Give. Make one-time donation or support us monthly. To give now, text PROLIFE to 53555
539 Lafayette Street, Gretna, LA 70053
This year they conducted 1,048 appointments. 159 of them were pregnancy tests. Out of those considering abortion 31 had changed their minds!
Your support makes a life-changing impact in our community, and we thank God for you!
February 7-9, 2025ECHO for Engaged CouplesPineville, LAEngaged Couples*Registration opens this Fall!
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The Mother Church Cookbook Is the Perfect gift for Mom, mother's to be, or anyone that likes to cook or is forced to cook.
Founded in 1857, St. Joseph Church in Historic Gretna is the “Mother Church” of 14 Catholic parishes in West Jefferson all the way to Grand Isle. Built in 1927, this building is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.
The Mother Church needs your help. She needs a “face-lift” and major “do-over.” The protective sealant over the stucco on the exterior of the church is crumbling and a minimum of 80% of the sealant must be removed and re-applied, with a paint job to follow. Work on the auditorium is needed as well.
The cookbook benefits the $500,000 Restoration Fund needed to return the Mother Church to her former beauty!
Thank you for your help.
To order, go to top line of this website and click on Mother Church Cookbook or, if you are on a cell phone, look to the left for the three vertical bars on top of each other and click the bars.
Dear Heavenly Father,
My parish is composed of people like me; I help make it what it is.
It will be friendly, if I am.
Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.
It will do great work, if I work.
It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver.
It will bring other people into its worship and fellowship, if I invite and bring them.
It will be a parish of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, and a parish with a noble spirit, if I, who make it what it is, am filled with these same things.
Therefore, with Your help, O God, I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all things that I want my parish to be.
Holyart is an online store that sells religious art and original sacred products and religious handmade items.
Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church
Since 1857, when Fr. Thaddaeus Anwander, CSSR, celebrated the first Mass in Gretna on Christmas Day, until the present time, God has blessed our St. Joseph Parish with dedicated priests, religious nuns, and laymen and women, to carry on the life of St, Joseph Parish.
May this Website help us to acknowledge our past, to recognize our brothers and sisters in Christ of the present, and to unite our parish family ever more in the future.